Compare iPhone 5 vs iPhone 5S and 5C Video – Video Compare


A new video offers us a more detailed look of the alleged iPhone 5S color “champagne” and a close look at the iPhone low-cost “5C”.

As observed in most descriptions of the iPhone “Gold”, the color is closer to that champagne that a bright gold and garish, also, this coloration pairs well with silver iPhone 5 already exists.

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Compare iPhone 5 vs iPhone 5S

In the video, the iPhone 5S and 5C, seem to have similar dimensions to the iPhone 5 already existing, while the low-cost iPhone is slightly thicker because of its poly carbonate shell, the 5S is almost identical to the iPhone 5, with the exception of the rear dual-LED flash.
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The iPhone 5S, which will be the new flagship device from Apple , should have a Home button redesigned and a fingerprint sensor.

Although the ‘ iPhone 5S will be better compared to 5, including upgrading the processor, camera and other things, the ‘ iPhone 5C is likely to be used to replace the current iPhone 5.

In the video, the ‘ iPhone 5C is shown in blue, but it will come in a wide range of colors including blue, green, red, yellow and white. Theoretically, there will be a local iPhone 5C black, but the whole range of iPhone 5S and 5C will feature a black face mask standard, with the logo of Apple black on the back of the device.

Do not forget that a recent rumor also suggests a iPhone 5S in color “graphite”, to accompany the champagne / white, silver / white and slate / black.



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