The Top Five Fitness Technology Trends for 2015


While technology has been integrated with the machines used for physical fitness for years, such as the compatibility with iPods in Nordic Track and ProForm elliptical machines and treadmills, there have been many advancements that allow exercisers to optimize the information they receive. The trends in fitness technology for 2015 include an expansion of wearable fitness trackers as well as an increase in the variety of workout options. These top five fitness and technology trends for 2015 aim to help make working out a more sustainable and fun daily habit.

 Upgrades in Wearable Fitness Trackers

Devices such as the FitBit have been around for a few years now. Many consumers spend the $100 to $300 on the device but then find that the technology just doesn’t provide enough useful information. In 2015, fitness buffs can expect that the newest releases of wearable fitness trackers will integrate better with smartphone apps and will collect more useful data such as the intensity of workouts and calorie intake. Consumers can also expect these wearable fitness trackers to hold a charge better and be more comfortable to wear.

Streaming At-Home or On-the-Go Workouts

Some people have a hard time fitting in a visit to the gym due to busy work schedules or a lack of childcare. Others get tired of doing the same old fitness routine whether at the gym or at home on personal exercise equipment. According to this article on The Huffington Post, 2015 promises an increase in streaming technology for people to use while working out. These workouts will allow users to follow along by watching on a tablet, laptop or even on a smartphone.

 In-Ear Fitness Devices

In-ear fitness devices will be a growing trend for 2015. These devices, such as the BitBite, detect how well a person chews their food and whether or not the person’s chewing is sufficient. The device can also track calorie consumption. Current iterations of the device only hold a charge for 3 hours but consumers can expect that to improve in the upcoming generation of devices. However, since the device should only be used during a meal, the battery can usually power it for up to 3 days.

 Personalized Fitness Devices

Although these devices are not yet on the market, there are several personalized fitness devices currently in research. These devices aim to track an individual’s heart rate, blood pressure, metabolism, oxygenation and other measures of health and fitness. This technology may feed into the cloud so that a person’s physician can access pertinent information.

 Smart Exercise Equipment

The technology built into fitness equipment will continue to evolve at a fast pace in 2015. Consumers can expect to find treadmills with high-intensity interval training and elliptical exercisers with better tracking of athletic performance. Even Pilates equipment will offer technological advancements, including greater shock absorption and environmentally friendly materials. In 2015, running shoes may even made with a greater emphasis on tracking mileage and speed of workouts.