5 Best Apps for Lawyers


There’s an app for every industry, and for those in the legal field there are never enough hours in the day. Getting the right apps can make it seem like you have more time, which optimizes your work load and better serves your clients. Start by downloading GoodReader, which allows easy access and syncing of documents. It’s just $4.99 and attorney Jeff Richardson says, “I store key pleadings, briefs, exhibits, etc. in a Dropbox folder on my computer and then, with the press of one button in GoodReader on my iPad, they are synced over; this is the most useful app on my iPad.”

There are many other apps that can make lawyers every more successful in achieving best results. Check out some of the top ranked apps by lawyers for lawyers.

1. TrialPad

Designed specifically to help with case presentation organization in the courtroom, it was custom made just for attorneys (not tweaked). It lets you annotate and manage multiple case files for mediation presentations, jury trials and other legal scenarios. You can utilize photos or documents with a fast PDF formatting, and easily project exhibits on a projector/monitor, too.

2. Legal Newsance


This free app is meant to save you time and help you stay up to date with the latest legal news. Get information on job openings, legal online resources and CLE inform all in one easy to access location. While there are many legal news outlets, this one has been ranked by attorneys as the most relevant.

3. Legal Plex

A comprehensive system to manage law firms (not necessarily helpful for individual attorneys), this is a free app that’s been a lifesaver for smaller practices and up and coming firms. It allows for customization and has been created just for legal situations.

4. TrialWorks

If you already have TrialWorks Case Management software, this complementary app lets you edit or review your notes, case history, docket, contacts and new intakes. If you don’t already have it, it’s worth taking a look at and starting with the app as an accoutrement.

5. Legal Talk Network

The app for Legal Talk lets you simply eat up your preferred law-related shows featured on the network, get sneak peeks of things to come and commiserate with fellow fans.

Of course, the best app is the one that works best for you. If there’s a disparity in your work, there’s likely an app to fill it and make your professional life smoother.