Top 10 sites like world star ( WorldStar Best alternatives )

Top 10 sites like world star

Who else do not know about WorldStar ?  Well this hip-hop site is among top websites for hip-hop. There are about 15 million followers of this website in a month. Hip hop is a famous genre of songs and within no time it has given so many things to the world of music, Cing/rapping, DJing/scratching with turntables, graffiti writing all are part of this genre. With time people have started appreciating this form of music and became huge fan. So those who might be looking all news related to this world they can have full access. As there are some websites which are alternative of worldstar site, they are going to help with the news and everything related to Hip hop. So here you have websites full of variety and these are top 10 alternatives to the Worldstar –

  1. VLAD TV

Do you know this website ? This is one of alternative of WorldStar although this is not similar but definitely this website has its own specialty with quality and other things. IVALD has every sort of content so those who are fond of spicy thing in their taste they can find everything at one table. This website definitely falls in must try website. The best part about its information is that it gives you all the information related to this website you will only have to check twitter and Facebook. So it means you do not need to open this website on a regular basis.

  1. Datpiff

Are you music lover? So hi fellas! Say hello to some new songs in your list. This website is offering you songs also. So here on this website, you can listen as well as download the stuff you want. DatPiff is an authority in the world of hip-hop. It has sponsorship from one of major brands such as VH1 and Nike. If you are a regular user you can download stuffs as much as your heart wants.

  1. SoulCentralTV.Net

Top 10 sites like world star
SoulCentralTV.Net is one of most popular websites in the world of hip hop. It is definitely such kind of website which is not going to disappoint you either of way. It has so many popular videos based on the content of hip-hop.and if you are looking for getting complete news about hip hop then this site has all the information about the current hip-hop artists and rural culture. This website is full of variety, also those who might be looking for funny videos they can surely get some here. 

  1. Ughh

The name of this website is definitely very interesting. Alternatively the focus of this website is mostly on the information related to the music. So it will notify you with the information then it is going to release the music. There will be different sort of sections such as want news, latest news about the artists, new releases, music and so many thing. There is a unique feature about this website is that it let people interact with each other.

  1. Vanilla

This name is sounding great. So as the name is vanilla similarly the website has lot to offer you. It has variety of stuffs related to the world of hip-hop. This website has news updates to give. It has its unique sort if website which is best part about this website. So those who want to keep themselves update with news such as accidents, crimes and underground hip –hop or fights, all are there. So if you want to keep yourself entertained then this is so sure that it will not bore you.

  1. AllHiphop

If you are die hard hip hop fan then you are going to like this website so much. It has all the current music and information. There you will be full of updates with the news such as about their lifestyle, opinion and other news. So this is going to be completely spicy! On the other and this website fell, under the category of ‘valuable resources’ for hip hop industry!

  1. Boo Boo tv

This website is full of variety such as comedy, music, news, celebrity and many more things. There will be so many things on this website so you are going to like this website that is so sure. Everything related to hip-hop will be there, all the information and latest music etc. Who does not want such website? Well of course but to grab it you need to rush.


The names of these websites are definitely very interesting. Just like it is interesting the contents of these websites are also going to be interesting. Steven Samuel has released its first album, F**k all Y’all, in 1992. It has a long story which is definitely interesting one. When samuel has left the group he started doing postal foot messenger in New York. But when he launched this website along with his friend palmer this is famous since then till now. This website ahs everything and it has always changed things when it came time to change.


That die hard fan of hip hop they might be looking of such website which would provide them complete information about related to the artist. Alternatively this website has frame work more like blog. The famous of this website is on the information. So this offer more information related to the world of hip hop. The other best part about this website is that it has very easy access so you can do that on daily basis. You even do not magazines and news papers especially for the news of hip hop.

  1. Hiphopdx

top 10 alternatives to worldstar

Ahhha no finally Hip hop came with the website hiphopdx! Well this website has its unique content about hip hop. So this is also going to be one of such website which is full of entertainment. If you are looking for a stable and faithful website which would give you right information and contents then dude you have come to the right place. This will keep you notify with the music industry and every latest thing about music on this universe. So it is definitely one of awesome website.

Final words

Along with these you can check Drama City Hip Hop also . Now you have box full of choices and all these are alternative of world star. All the websites are authentic and they offer you just the right information.