Netflix Error Code m7353-5101

Netflix Error Code m7353-5101


Netflix is a subscription-based streaming service that is a developed online web application that allows the user to watch TV shows and movies. Netflix will allow you to download the TV shows and movies on any device which may be IOS, Android, Windows and you can watch them offline. Netflix recommended content changes and shows you based on the religion and may over time. Here in this article we will learn about Netflix Error Code m7353-5101

Netflix Error Code m7353-5101

This platform will allow you to watch all the shows including many award-winning movies, TV shows, documentaries in original high-quality. Netflix can be watched through any device which has an internet connection even in a web browser. All you need to check the internet speed requirement to watch and enjoy movies, TV shows in high-quality.

Netflix m7353-5101 Error code:

The Netflix m7353-5101 Error mostly occurs while you’re using windows 10 and watching Netflix in a web browser. And this Netflix error most commonly occurs due to the outdated version of the browser or maybe sometimes your system software like firewall or security application will make your Netflix stop working rightly. 

And VPN or proxy will block Netflix from working perfectly. And sometimes this error is issued due to the extension of the browser and third-party add-on. Most commonly the Netflix error issued due to the above mentioned points and it is easy to solve the occurred issues within a second. 

6 Quick Easily ways to solve this Netflix error code M7353-5101

1.Disable the Browser extension

Disable the extension which interrupts the Netflix process and maybe sometimes the unnecessary extension will interrupt Netflix. If the extension contains any third-party add-ons will also result in a Netflix error. So while you decide to watch movies or TV shows on Netflix turn off the third-party add-ons and unnecessary extensions from the browser which will interrupt the Netflix process. If you like to disable the chrome extension then follow the below steps.

Steps to disable the Google Chrome extension 

  1. If the Netflix Error m7353-5101 occurs then you need to disable the google chrome extension. 
  2. Type the following link in your browser search bar.
  3. Chrome://extensions/
  4. The page loaded with the extensions which are installed in your system and now you need to click the swipe button to disable the extension or click the remove button to remove the extension from your web browser. 
  5. Once you click the remove button then it will delete the extension from the browser permanently. 

Steps to disable the Firefox extension

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + A which will open the setting panel tab. 
  2. And click on the Extension option to open the Add-ons manage tab.
  3. And the options are provided for removing the extension and disabling the extension from the add-ons. 

2.Clearing Browsing History 

Steps to clear browsing History data in Google Chrome

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Del key to delete the cache and cookies data from the history. 
  2. Select the “All time” option to measure the specific range which needs to be deleted from the system.
  3. Select the “Cache and Cookies data” option and then click the Clear data button.

Steps to clear the Browsing History data in Firefox  

The following are the three ways to clear the browser history data. 

  1. Type the following in the Firefox search bar.
  2. Preferences->privacy and press enter.
  3. And choose the Cookies and cached Web content checkboxes.

3.Turn off and Turn on your PC 

If you’re using the updated version of the browser then go for the following steps

  1. Once you get this Netflix m7353-5101 error then check the browser update. If your browser is updated up to the latest version. 
  2. Turn off your PC once and Turn it on and clear your browser cache and cookies.
  3. And sign in to your Netflix account and 80% percentage mostly error will not repeat again.
  4. If the error repeated again then go for the solution.
  1. Retry it on Different Browser.

If you’re still getting the Netflix error m7353-5101 after clearing the browsing cache data and cookies then check once again with the other browser. If it is still repeating the Netflix error then the interruption is not caused by the browser or browser extension. So there is some other interruption causing Netflix error. 

Check it with different browsers like chrome, firefox, and safari. Before retrying on different browsers, clear the browsing cache data and cookies and sign into your account to continue streaming if it repeats the Netflix error then there are some third-party add-ons that remain, or interruption of any other application from your PC will not allow the Netflix to process perfectly. But retrying on a different browser is for confirming that the Netflix error is caused by the PC or browser. 

  1. Turn off the Antivirus software

Antivirus applications will monitor the activities of every other application if there are any other unusual activities or thread is suspected then it will not allow proceeding further process by the same way if it blocks the browser then it interrupts the Netflix process which leads to Netflix error m7353-5101. Try it once you turn off the antivirus detection and restart your PC if Netflix seems to be repeating the same error then go for the alternative solution mentioned below. 

  1. Update widevine decryption application

If sometimes the decryption application is outdated then it will cause the Netflix error. So now you need to update the outdated software and follow the steps below. 

  1. Type the following link in the chrome search bar and press enter.
  2. Chrome://components 
  3. Find the Widevine content decryption module and which will display the official version of chrome.
  4. Click on check update.
  5. Once it is updated then restart the browser and sign into your Netflix account. 
  1. Disable your proxy 

Disabling the proxy will sometimes make your Netflix function properly. Follow the steps given below.

  1. Press Windows logo key + R.
  2. And type this command.
  3. inetcpl.cpl and press enter. 
  4. Move to the Connections tab and click on the LAN settings
  5. The automatically detect settings box should be the only checkbox.
  6. Click ok and restart your PC. 
  7. Sign into your Netflix account and continue streaming. 


When you check in the forum you can see that these 6 solutions will solve their Netflix m7353-5101 error. So hopefully we believe that now you have solved your Netflix error and continue streaming. Or if you’re still getting this error do check the solution once again step-by-step and finally you’re still getting this Netflix error then you should need to contact Netflix customer support to find a solution or you can also comment below, we can help you to solve the error.