High Scoring Topics for class 9 English exam


 I know your headaches. I know you’re tired. I know your nerves are as raw as meat in a butcher’s window. But think about what you’re trying to accomplish – just think about what you’re dealing with. The majesty and grandeur of the English language; it’s the greatest possession we have. – George Bernard Shaw. 

English is not only essential for communication purposes. Class 9 stands as a strong-alone foundation for class 10 so even though you don’t give a board exam in the 9th grade, you still prepare for it like you are giving one. To understand concepts in the higher standards like the 10th, 11th, and 12th, you need to be clear with your basics. English is one of the most important subjects as it affects your best of 5 marks later in 10th so you need to give equal time for it. The class 9 English portion is divided into 3 parts: Part A, which is the prose, and Part B, which is poetry clubbed together. Part C consists of grammar and other skills and has a separate exam. 

Part A – Prose

Prose consists of various chapters clubbed together, novels of famous writers such as Jane Austen, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Harper Lee, etc., or a single play of some famous literature writers such as William Shakespeare, Oliver Goldsmith, and many more. Every chapter is equally important for study. If you have a novel for the academic year, focusing on the themes, character sketches, and outline of the play will help you score better.  

Part B – Poetry

Poetry consists of a collection of poems written by famous poets, The poems can be of different genres. Generally, the poems in the syllabus are of poets like Robert Frost, William Wordsworth, Sylvia Plath, and many more. While focusing on poetry – focus on the themes, the figures of speech used, and learn more about the poet. 

Part C – Grammar 

Grammar and comprehension – Grammar is the most important part of the English language. Reserve 1 hour in your daily routine and practice grammar. Grammar can be confusing at times even when you know the answers so it’s best to solve it daily. It also helps in improving your vocabulary. You should develop a habit of practicing as the basics of grammar are going to be your biggest help in the future. Make use of Wren and Martin for solving problems. Practice reading/writing comprehension daily to improve your writing skills. Try to make ur own answers. 

Listing a few chapters/ topics to focus on :

The Fun They Had

The poem was written by an American poet Issac Asimov. The name of the poem is ‘The Fun They Had’. This poem was published first in a children’s newspaper. The poem is science fiction which is written for children.  

The Sound of Music

The chapter has two parts. the first section is about Evelyn Glennie whereas the second part talks about the great Ustad Bismillah Khan. It introduces two stalwarts of their respective fields, describing two contrasting music personalities. It discusses the music heritage of India with Ustad Bismillah Khan in focus.  

The Little Girl 

The author refers to a little girl to the title of the story – “The Little Girl.” who has the main character named Keiza. The main story revolves around the relationship between father and daughter but as a whole, it’s more about a relationship between a parent and a child. 

A Truly Beautiful Mind

It is about a specific incident in the scientist’s life. There can be different times where students may find it challenging to understand the different layers of the story and the meaning in depth. 

The snake and The Mirror

 Very wistful prose where the main character is a doctor who goes from falling in love with his appearance to fearing for his own life. The story begins with the author recounting his encounter with death due to his loss of humility. With the story coming to an end, the readers realize how sometimes pride can make us forget how naive human beings can be. It makes us aware of how quickly pride can create and destroy us. 


Kathmandu is a part of a book called ‘Heaven Lake’. Here, the writer describes his visit to the city of Kathmandu which he thought to be one of the busiest cities. He enlightens us by sharing his unique experiences while cruising through the famous temples and tourist destinations. He narrates to us the different scenarios he encountered when visiting the Pashupatinath and the Boudhanath temple. While visiting the Pashupatinath temple, he notices an uproar on the roads due to the huge number of priests, tourists, and animals. On the other hand, he talks about his visit to the Boudhanath temple which was a calming experience. There were street vendors selling pieces of jewelry and other items on the pavements. 

If I Were You

This is a magnificent play which tells us a story about a house owner, who is a playwright by occupation, who was about to live for an occasion. He was confronted by a person who was a killer that kills and steals their identities. The killer discovers that the house owner looks exactly like him. He then wanted to intimidate the homeowner, kill him, and take his place. According to the Class 9 English Beehive, the homeowner was not an ordinary man. 

Exams are conducted at the end of the semester or the year depending on the pattern that your school follows. This gives you enough time in hand to focus on each and every chapter thoroughly. So, plan out your entire study schedule and see to it that you follow it diligently. Keep focusing and revising grammar on a daily basis because that part of the paper is where a vast majority of students end up committing silly mistakes. There are some other topics which you need to go through before the exam so don’t miss out on them just because you were too busy studying the important ones.  

Best of luck with your exams!