Reap The Benefits With Microsoft Teams Voice Options

Reap The Benefits With Microsoft Teams Voice Options

Reap The Benefits With Microsoft Teams Voice Options

As a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, work dynamics have changed significantly all around the globe. Health hazards prevent people from functioning normally and being physically present at the workplace. Hence, the only option left is remote working (unless face-to-face meetings are necessary, such as medical examinations). Fortunately, some excellent and efficient options enable you to communicate with ease and keep your business going. 

Microsoft Teams is a platform that turns this process into a professional and enjoyable experience. It is a highly versatile tool that allows you to chat, make video conference calls, store files – everything you need for proper workplace communication. Initially launched in 2016, it gained quick popularity, primarily due to the circumstances we mentioned, and shows no signs of slowing down. Go to for more information. 

Choosing What’s Right for You

Teams offers you the possibility to choose between several options. Each business is a different story, so you’ll need to analyze the situation and find out what works best for you. Learning their pros and cons will help you assess the offer and make a quick decision. Communication should never be an obstacle to successful business operations, so let’s dive in and see what the fuss is all about.

As you probably know, Microsoft Teams has a phone system based on the VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology, which enables you to make calls by using a broadband connection. Now, depending on how you want to integrate the voice options, there are several different possibilities.

One way is to keep your current phone system and Microsoft Teams separate. Perhaps you like your setup as it is, but you also wish to use all the benefits of UCaaS (United Communications as a Service) available on Teams. It’s the fastest and easiest option: you don’t have to adapt your hardware, nor do you need any training. However, there are certain limitations regarding user flexibility. 

Another possibility is to disregard your phone system and switch to Microsoft Teams entirely. Making this move broadens your horizon quite a bit: the full integration allows you to use their softphone along with mobile devices. Also, you don’t need to rely on other PBX services – Teams will take care of it all. Although, you might have to rely on third-party support for your system.

The third option is to integrate your Hosted PBX service with Teams and use its software and devices. Hosted PBX refers to a virtual phone system that is cloud-based. This way, you have greater control and ability to customize, you don’t need direct routing, but one potential drawback is the deficiency of Hosted PBX providers. 

Finally, you can fully integrate your IP PBX system into Microsoft Teams. Just like with option number one, you won’t need any training, and you get to keep your current equipment, which makes the job a lot easier. There will be some additional expenses, though, mainly related to the upgrade and maintenance of your system. This option usually attracts business owners who look for cost-effective solutions.

The Benefit of Unification 

Reap The Benefits With Microsoft Teams Voice Options

Perhaps the most significant advantage of basing your phone system on Microsoft Teams is keeping it all in one place. Your production and communication should run side by side, so it’s essential to bring them as closely together as possible. 

Having to operate more than one system increases the chances of incompatibility. You could easily solve this problem by putting all your separate services (phones, email, IM, cloud, etc.) in the trust of a single company. This way, you don’t have to worry about services being incompatible with each other. Also, it’s great to depend on one entity for customer support – no need to call multiple services in case of system failure. Check this website for more.

Another great advantage of unified services is easy training. This is because your Windows applications use similar processes, commands, and interfaces, so mastering one program will allow you to learn the others much faster. It’s valuable if your employees have busy schedules and can’t afford to spend too many hours learning new stuff. 

It’s important to note that the cloud is an evolving technology. In other words, the phone system is not something you can configure once and forget about it. There are new features and security advancements all the time, so you’ll need to keep track of the updates if you want your system to function correctly.

Being Part of the Public Network

First of all, it’s important to distinguish between two types of phone networks. The first one is known as Private Branch Exchange (PBX); this is the call system inside your office. Of course, you can use it to call outside lines; only, you have to add extra numbers; the same goes for external callers who try to reach you. 

The other network type is Public Switched Telephone Network, commonly known as PTSN. It’s a fancy name for all other phone systems outside your company. Obviously, you have to connect these two networks to make business communication possible. Now you have the option to achieve it using cloud technology as opposed to the old fashioned way. 

Connecting PBX and PTSN sounds easy in theory, but it can be frustrating and time-consuming in practice. Analog lines can create particular problems, especially if you have old installations in your building. No such issues with Microsoft Teams – it makes the whole connection process an absolute breeze. It’s up to you whether you’ll choose to buy access from Microsoft or use your own. 

The quality of your real-time communication is directly affected by your network. There are many contributing factors, such as bandwidth, speed, packet loss, latency, jitter, etc. The poor quality connection will only complicate your Teams’ experience, so it’s better to establish proper connectivity in your premises before you consider transferring your phone system. 

Financial Gains 

One of the best things about microsoft teams voice integration is the price: these services cost very little, and virtually any business owner can afford them. The exact price will depend on your Office 365 license, i.e., what level you’re currently using. For instance, if you’re down low, like level E1, you’ll need to pay a few more dollars for the phone system. On the other hand, higher levels of Office 365 automatically include voice options. 

The virtual meetings on Teams play a considerable role in reducing your costs. Let’s suppose you have to organize a company meeting on short notice. Your employees will have to travel from all around, spend money on gas and waste precious time. Instead, you can avoid all this hustle by organizing a video conference. You can even do it on your phone if you don’t have access to a computer. Let’s not forget the option for cloud storage that replaces huge piles and stacks of documents. 

A sure way of being more successful in your business is to work smarter, not harder. In the communication field, it’s necessary to do things as quickly and efficiently as possible, allowing yourself time for creating strategies for the future. Using Microsoft’s voice options will benefit you greatly, and your employees will enjoy using the platform and become more productive as a result.