3 Elements of the Successful Web Store


Some people think that in order to have a successful eCommerce store you’ve got to hire a professional designer or developer. But I’m here to tell you that you can do it yourself. As a web marketing analyst and consultant, I look at dozens of web stores every day. I have also reviewed reams of data on consumer behaviors, watching where they spend their money online. The art of selling people things online is about the right product, at the right price, at the right place. But if your web store isn’t optimized for success, those three elements aren’t enough. Here are the things that every web store needs in order to be successful, as well as the ways that you can accomplish these on your own.

1. A Successful Web Store is User Friendly. WixStores is the best eCommerce store design application. Cloud-based, you don’t have to buy software from a store or even download anything. Sign-up takes minutes, and then you’re in, designing a great web store on your first try. This process couldn’t be easier, and it’s exactly the kind of process that your customers need to have when they shop with you. If it’s hard to buy your product, they are going to take their business elsewhere. WixStores is all about intuitive design. As a user, you’ll see this built into the way their own service operates. And you’ll see the same care in your finished product. WixStores uses a template model to guide you to a great result. You have hundreds of templates to choose from, but each one is optimized for ease of use. Your customers will appreciate it. And they’ll buy more. The stats prove that.

image0022. A Successful Web Store Doesn’t Have Too Many Choices. Although each Wixstores eCommerce site is endlessly customizable, the default settings are always designed in the interest of space. Your customers won’t be bombarded with too many images on a single page. Instead, each product is highlighted with plenty of space around it. This same merchant strategy has worked well for retail booksellers Like Barnes & Noble. These sellers found that they sold more books when they were displayed with the front cover facing out from the shelf, rather than the spine. You can fit fewer books on the shelf this way, but you sell a lot more. WixStores adopts the same sort of strategy, showing the customer fewer products, but displaying each more prominently. This translates into better sales. As a user, you can change your store to display as many products as you want. But again, WixStores pushes you in the right direction by default.

3. Successful Web Stores Meet Customers Where They Are. Your web store must be compatible with real consumer behaviors. If you have a store that doesn’t accept conventional payments or discounting, customers are going to leave you for the competition. WixStores succeeds in this way with their Apps, proprietary and third-party applications which help you accommodate your customers’ expectations about how your product’s eCommerce experience should work. And it’s adaptable over time. You won’t have to scrap your store to keep it up to date.


WixStores knows how online retail works. Even if you don’t know a lot about it personally, their service always nudges you toward decisions that will result in better sales . You will notice the difference immediately when you switch over to WixStores.