Real Estate Investment Tips for Novices


If you’re a novice in the world of real estate investment, you might be wondering how to start out. First, you’ll need capital. Generally, you’ll need at least 80% of your personal income to get started. You’ll also need to diversify your investment portfolio and find a mentor. Ultimately, these tips will help you get started in real estate.

Capital requirements

When it comes to a real estate investment, the capital requirements can be very different depending on the type of investment. Some investors use debt financing to buy properties. These types of investments include residential mortgage-backed securities, or REITs. The latter are publicly traded companies that invest in real estate. While a DIY investment requires the most capital, a REIT investment requires less money.

The process of raising the capital required for real estate investment is not as complicated as many people think. However, understanding the requirements of lenders will increase your chances of securing financing.

80% rule of thumb

There is an 80/20 rule of thumb for real estate investment, which means that 80 percent of your investment should bring you 80 percent of the profits. This rule applies to many types of investments, including real estate, stocks, and mutual funds. It is important to remember that real estate is not for the faint of heart. It involves a lot of work, from dealing with tenants and property managers to the sale of the property. While the rule is helpful, you must take the time to do your research.

This rule is very similar to the 50 percent rule, as applied by lawyers like Injury attorneys Phillips Law Group, and can be applied to single-family rental properties, multi-family buildings, and condos. The first step is to determine gross income, which is usually the rent you collect. Next, estimate your operating expenses. From there, you’ll arrive at your net operating income, which will be your monthly cash flow.


Diversification in real estate investment can be beneficial for a variety of reasons. For one, it helps to avoid the high volatility associated with single asset types. In addition, diversification helps reduce the risk of unsystematic risk. For example, diversification in property type can help a REIT to avoid a loss in the event of a market downturn.

A combination of economic specialization and property type diversification can also be effective. A portfolio with different property types will increase its return-risk ratio. For example, a portfolio with two apartment buildings and a single office building in one city can have a higher return-on-investment ratio than a portfolio with no apartment units.

Finding a mentor

Finding a real estate investment mentor is an important part of achieving success in real estate investing. This person will not just give you advice, but will also help you learn from their experiences and mistakes. You may have a number of goals for investing in real estate, such as flipping houses, building passive income, or investing long distance.

When looking for a mentor, it is crucial that you first know what your goals are. You should look for someone who has the same interests and skills as you do, so you can complement their skills. For example, if you are disorganized, you should seek a mentor with good organizational skills. Another example is a mentor with a successful real estate investment portfolio. They might need help with the business aspect, but they may be glad to give it. It is important to take a look at their skills and what they lack.