With so many devices on the market claiming to mitigate electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation exposure, how do consumers know which products to trust? Word-of-mouth from family and friends tops the list, but what if you’re the techie among your friends and family? Turn to independent reviews of tech devices online.
EMF Backgrounder
EMFs exist naturally and in human-induced form. The World Health Organization conducts research with member nations to determine the effects of EMF on humans and animals. It also develops guidelines for the safe manufacture and use of EMF-emitting devices that nations use to develop their standards. Each electronic device in your home should carry a statement on its packaging that reads, “This product meets current FCC Radio Frequency Emission Exposure Guidelines.”
Some individuals prove more sensitive to EMF radiation than others. These individuals may feel dizzy or experience headaches while using an EMF-emitting device for long periods of time. Besides implementing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) methodology of Time, Distance, and Shielding (TDS), they turn to devices, such as those made by Aires Tech, to mitigate the effects.
Insightful Reviews Help People Make Knowledgeable Buying Decisions
Consumers must learn to tell the difference between marketing videos, fake debunking websites, and actual device reviews. For instance, fans of American football might find it impressive that Tiki Barber video represents a product called LifeTune that changes the form of dangerous EMF radiation from devices into one more acceptable to the human body. That’s a relatively new take on shielding methodology because it doesn’t prohibit the EMF’s existence or stop it from reaching humans or animals. It changes the form of the EMF radiation.
Barber’s use of the item comes from a marketing deal cut with the manufacturer. He uses it and appears in ads and other marketing collateral for the product. But most people aren’t celebrities, so finding out how they’re helped by an EMF-mitigating device can help consumers decide on purchases. Let’s consider a few real-world use cases of LifeTune as an example.
Use Cases by Real People Help Consumers
Look for video reviews of EMF-mitigation devices made by non-celebs using your favorite search engine. Use the video tab at the top of the search results page to peruse your choices. Start by checking on which channel each video appears. In this case, I added the word “using” to the company name for my search keywords (using [company name]), so readers can easily alter the search parameters used for results on any company.
Healthy Living Website Reviews
Two owners of healthy living websites purchased the devices and chose to review their use of them. Open each video using the host platform to read the accompanying blurb:
- Whole Health Connections, hosted by Rob
- Get Green Be Well, hosted by Kim.
Rob registered as an affiliate of the manufacturer, while Kim, an Amazon Associate, chose the product and then also registered with the manufacturer as an affiliate. Rob learned about the company three years before using its products when his professor used the company as an example in a lecture. He tried the “Go” product first and became an affiliate of the company. Kim, who experiences EMF radiation sensitivity, discovered the company first and then contacted them about becoming an affiliate. Watching these real reviews provides actionable information.