5 Misconceptions Shooting App Developers Should Know


These days, with the increased availability, robustness and power of Smartphones, we have portable computers in our pockets. These devices can be very important tools to have for almost anything that you do and those who shoot for a hobby are not to be left behind in this respect.

As a shooter or app developer, you can leverage on the ubiquity of Smartphones and your experience as a shooter in order to serve the needs of your fellow shooters and gun hobbyists and create a business all at the same time.

Find below some misconceptions that you should be aware of, as you envision turning your idea of a shooting app into reality.

1. You need to be a developer

You don’t need to be a developer to create a great shooting app. All you need is the passion to solve a problem that shooters experience and to be able to bring a team together to create the app and offer it to people whose needs it addresses.

2. Your friends are your best proof of concept

Be careful. Asking for feedback from friends, may give you biased opinions that are of no use in the real world. The best advice you can get for your shooting app would most likely come from people who have used your app or better yet spent their hard earned money to buy it.

3.Building the app is the toughest part

In reality, most app creators say that getting people to recognize your product and to see enough value in it to actually pay for it or support it, is the hardest part. Many great apps have fallen by the wayside because the developers thought that after creating their app, the job was through.

After all, what good is a product or app if no one gets to hear about it, or use it?

4. An idea is more important than anything else

Actually, execution is usually more important than the idea after some point. A well-executed average idea is likely to be more popular than a poorly executed great idea.

Studies also show that a unique idea may not necessarily be the best thing that can happen. In fact, studies show that unique ideas create uncertainty, which is not good for the fast adoption of products.

5. Demo apps get funded

These days with the proliferation of apps in the market, many investors have raised the bar for what is required for you to get funding in order to develop your app. The expectation is that you can create a working prototype for your idea within a very short time and then be able to prove your concept by getting your target market involved through sign ups and customer retention.

Proof of concept is becoming more and more the first threshold that you need to conquer before you can even get investors interested in your project. Make use of social media and the support of interested stakeholders like <a href=”http://www.shooting.org/”>www.shooting.org</a> in order to get traction with potential customers for your shooting app.

If you steer away from these misconceptions, you are likely to be successful at bringing your idea for a great shooting app to market.