4 Air Conditioning Myths Exposed


Air conditioning is a luxury appreciated by all. It is a distinct pleasure to walk into a cool room when struggling with the heat. In many countries, shopping malls are constantly filled with people who have no intention to shop. They are there for pleasure. Air conditioning is a common element of life, particularly in developed nations. But even though it is widely available, not everyone understands how it works. Because of this, some strange notions have developed around air conditioning. Here are a few Air conditioning myths.

  • Air Conditioners Don’t Need Regular Service: Some people believe that since an air conditioner is a simple closed system, it does not need to be serviced unless a problem is discovered. This belief is not true. Air conditioning units depend on compressed gases. These gases can begin to escape at any time due to some imperfection in the tubing or compressor. The less gas, the harder your AC will have to work to cool your home. You could be paying rising bills for a long time without noticing. Also, your filter and compressor should be inspected for problems occasionally. Contact a repair specialist, such as Batchelor air conditioning repair service, to schedule a service call.
  • Air Conditioning Can Make You Sick: This persistent belief is heard from time to time. Some people believe that air conditioners either change the air in a way that causes you stress or that the cold air is not suitable for your health. Humans are generally healthier living at temperatures lower than 30 degrees and can spend all day outside in temperatures much lower than your home air conditioner can produce. However, air conditioners do dehumidify air, and extra dry air might aggravate some conditions. Also, if you do not clean your filters, you might create suboptimal conditions.
  • Only Use Air Conditioning When in the Room: This is incorrect; cooling a warm room is usually more costly than keeping a room cool. An energy-efficient strategy is to turn on your air conditioning early, and then switch it off as the day begins to cool. Another way to save money is to use your air conditioning at off-peak hours (when you are charged less for electricity), such as the night-time. And then enjoy a cool house later without consuming more expensive electricity.
  • Bigger is Better: Some people think that a large machine is the best way to improve efficiency. This is not always the case. If a room is too small, the AC unit must alternate between uncomfortably cool and just right. The opposite problem is when a unit is too small for the application. In this case, the compressor will be forced to run beyond its most efficient range, costing you more money, and the unit will fail much sooner.

The key to using your air conditioner right is never to let a room get too warm and keep your filters clean, so the air flows most efficiently. Have an expert measure the space and suggest the correct unit size for the job and try to keep windows closed so the cool air will recirculate.