A Detailed Guide to Information Security Threats and Services


Is your business under the threat of cyberattacks? These attacks are becoming a cause of concern for all businesses and keep on increasing. 

The main reasons behind cyberattacks include stealing sensitive information to be later sold for profit, extorting businesses, making a statement, etc. Whatever the reason, hackers become more ruthless and innovative by the minute. Most companies make cybersecurity mistakes, including inadequate security training, not updating their software, not managing access privileges, having no acceptable-use policy, and other mishaps. 

The following guide will introduce you to information security threats and services. 

Information security threats

Businesses are faced with an array of information security threats, which can be handled and eliminated by IT experts. For instance, insider threats take place when individuals having access to an organization’s network misuse the provided access either intentionally or unintentionally. Negligent employees who fail to comply with the rules and policies of an organization often cause insider threats. 

It often happens for employees to send customer data to third parties out of negligence or even share their login info with others. Regardless of whether these actions are performed carelessly or intentionally, IT specialists can help businesses minimize these threats by limiting the access of employees only to the resources they need for their jobs, training them on security awareness, implementing two-factor authentication, installing employee monitoring software, etc. Learn more about multifactor authentication.

Another information security threat that businesses face is viruses and worms. These software programs are malicious, and their goal is to destroy the system, data, and network of an organization. Computer viruses are malicious codes that replicate by copying themselves to other systems, host files, and programs. They stay dormant until activated by someone. 

Conversely, computer worms are self-replicating programs that require no human interaction to start spreading. Once they enter a particular system, they waste no time on starting the process of replication and infecting networks and computers with no adequate protection. IT professionals mitigate the risk of such threats by installing antimalware and antivirus software on their systems. 

Another information security threat is drive-by-download attacks, where a malicious code gets downloaded from a site through a browser or an application without any permission from users. The download becomes activated just by gaining access to a particular site or browsing. These attacks are used by cybercriminals to inject viruses and steal personal information. See this website, https://www.websitemagazine.com/blog/defending-against-javascript-drive-by-downloads, to gain a better understanding of how to defend against java script drive-by downloads. 

Phishing attacks are another prominent security threat whose goal is to trick users into willingly giving confidential information, such as names, login credentials, addresses, credit card information, social security numbers, etc. Hackers trick users by sending fake emails that look like they are coming from legitimate resources, like PayPal, eBay, even colleagues, and friends. 

The aim of hackers in phishing attacks is to prompt users to take action, like clicking on links in emails or asking for their personal information. Hackers can install malware on the devices of users by prompting them to open email attachments. In contrast, ransomware attacks occur when the computer of the victim is locked by using encryption, and the victim is prevented from using the device. 

Additionally, the victim can restore access to the device only by paying a ransom to the hacker, usually paid in Bitcoin. Ransomware is usually spread through malicious email attachments, and it can be prevented by updating antivirus software and training employees not to open email attachments from unreliable sources. The ultimate goal for victims is to avoid paying a ransom. 

Information security services

Experienced IT providers offer a wide range of cybersecurity solutions and consulting services for companies of all sizes. For example, cybersecurity risk assessment provides companies with detailed insight into the current security position of their business. IT security teams identify all the assets that could be under the influence of cyberattacks, understand the risks that come with each element, and define which elements need the highest level of protection. 

Another service provided by IT security experts is multi-factor authentication. Passwords are no longer considered strong enough to protect companies against data breaches and cyberattacks. Such authentication protects online data by making sure only verified users can access your business services and applications. 

Intrusion detection and response is a solution that monitors a network 24/7 for indicators of attacks before they even happen. It’s composed of three layers, including an automated system for threat detection, security experts whose job is to review these alarming signs, and remediation. Conversely, endpoint detection and response is a necessary service for protecting your business against modern hacker attacks. 

Anti-virus software programs provide protection against the simplest cyberattacks but aren’t as helpful at stopping modern attacks. EDR takes advantage of powerful artificial intelligence to stop hackers in their intention, even if your devices aren’t within the office firewall. Read more about the advantages of using antivirus. 

Most IT security providers offer phishing prevention training to educate employees on the dangers of phishing attacks aimed at them. These programs strive to improve the abilities of employees to recognize phishing attacks, report, and block them. Vulnerability scanning and remediation solutions scan networks in search of the most usual vulnerabilities targeted by hackers. 

Moreover, these vulnerabilities include unnecessary services, insecure settings, missing security patches, etc. The findings are then analyzed and addressed before attackers get a chance to exploit them. Virtual chief information security officers enable businesses to use their expertise whenever they need it. They provide assistance to anyone who cannot afford to hire full-time resources. 

IT governance, risk, and compliance is a strategy for managing the overall governance, compliance regulations, and enterprise risk management. The role of information security services is to provide 24/7 security monitoring, layered protection, and access to skilled cybersecurity consultants. Professional IT teams help their clients create a successful GRC strategy that aligns with their goals. 

The bottom line

Hiring professionals is the key to protecting your business against hackers!