Why email marketing needs to be part of your digital marketing campaign


It is likely that you know, understand and appreciate the benefits of digital marketing and hopefully you have used many of the digital marketing tools before in your individual marketing campaign. If you haven’t yet engaged with this excellent way to reach out to customers past and present then you’re really missing out on something very special. Long gone are the days of advertising in newspapers, magazines and on billboards because digital marketing has transformed the business landscape for the better. Out of these many tools there is something called email marketing and if you’re not familiar with it then please read on. The first thing you have to consider is whether or not email marketing is perfect for your business and the answer to this question is a resounding yes.

It is fair to say that email has always been seen as one of the best marketing channels that delivers the best return on investment for all businesses and now that we seem to be coming out of the Covid pandemic, it has never been more important than it is now. Businesses from all across Australia are using email marketing and so in order for your business to be able to take advantage of it, you need to be able to engage with an effective and professional Email company in Australia to get the work done. If you’re still not sold on the benefits of email marketing for your business then maybe the following can help you to make a smart business decision.

  • Much lower costs – This is something that every business manager or owner wants to hear because when you compare it to other marketing channels, it involves a much lower cost to you. If you are still using the old style marketing techniques like magazines and television channels then you are paying for something that is fairly ineffective. Your marketing company can also put software in place so that you can track and evaluate how your emails are doing and if they are effective or not. You can literally spend thousands of emails all at one time for a fairly low cost when compared to other marketing techniques.
  • Reach the right demographic – Consumers get increasingly frustrated and angry when companies contact them for services and products that they have never shown an interest in before. With email marketing you can send your messages to only those customers who have asked for certain information to be sent to them. This means that your business will experience a much higher conversion rate because you are only targeting those who have shown an interest in your product or service in the past.

The wonderful thing about email marketing is that your email company will actually only send emails to people that meet your certain business criteria and this means that you are not spending money reaching out to people who are not interested in what you have to offer. The great thing about email marketing is that it encourages people to do impulse buying and this can lead to huge jumps in your profits.