What You Need to Know About Traffic Control Plans


If you’re looking for a traffic control plan for your building or site, you should know a few things. You’ll need to ensure that your goals are practical and can prevent incidents. In addition, you’ll need to ensure that your employees are protected.

Ensure workers’ health and safety

When designing traffic control plans, it is essential to ensure workers’ health and safety. If not, the risk of accidents could be high. This can lead to severe injury and death. The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) requires businesses to identify risks, take reasonable precautions to prevent them, and make a plan to keep their employees safe. Risk assessment is one way to identify hazards, and the HSWA provides several guidelines and examples for controlling risk. Various vehicles are used at construction sites, which can harm workers. The best practices for protecting workers on foot from vehicle hazards include lower speed limits and avoiding blind spots. Vehicles should also avoid low-light areas and tight corners.

Guide vehicular and pedestrian traffic

There are many ways to guide vehicular and pedestrian traffic. For example, a zebra crossing is one of the best ways to keep pedestrians and motorists on their best behavior. Aside from a zebra, it would be best to consider a variety of other options, such as traffic lights, signaled intersections, and pedestrian crossing signs. Although you are not required to install a zebra crossing, you can choose to delineate your pedestrian route with wood or chain link fencing. This is especially important if you’re in the middle of an urban or suburban renovation or construction project. The best bet is to use a traffic control plan to do the heavy lifting. Pedestrians and motorists need to be aware of the hazards a work site presents, and the best way to prevent these pitfalls is to have a traffic management plan in place. These plans should be reviewed and updated regularly. In addition, workers should be provided with an overview of the plan’s details and be educated on the program.

Prevent unwanted incidents

A traffic control plan can prevent unwanted incidents, reduce delays and improve safety. It’s important to remember that the best method is a collaborative effort between multiple agencies. Having as many stakeholders as possible participate in a tabletop exercise is the ideal scenario. This will help you determine how well your agency has grasped the tasks and responsibilities outlined in your plan. For instance, do you know what to do if you encounter traffic jams? A courtesy patrol can often solve this problem. To do it properly, consider training your responders, dispatchers, and public information officers. They will need to know how to identify the signs of a traffic incident and what to do when one happens. A good traffic control plan also includes a set of guidelines to keep your responders safe. These guidelines are based on the National Incident Management System (NIMS), a national framework for traffic incident management.

Hire a traffic control company

When hiring a traffic control company for your traffic control plans, it’s essential to make sure you choose one that meets your requirements. A professional can help ensure the safety of the public and your employees. Among the tasks a traffic control technician completes are installing barricades, maintaining fire lanes, and directing vehicular traffic. Other duties include conducting field verifications of traffic control devices. An experienced engineer can help you develop traffic control plans. These plans will include the location of signage, the spacing of signs, the containment fencing, and other aspects of your traffic management plan. You will also have to meet the pre-task and project phasing requirements. In addition, you will need to hire a flagger for your traffic control plans. Flaggers provide warnings to drivers approaching your work zone and will safely manage traffic flow while you are working.