This file has been modified outside of Illustrator

This file has been modified outside of Illustrator

This file has been modified outside of Illustrator

Many Adobe Illustrator users have reported this error notification ‘This file has been modified outside of Illustrator’ on their system. This has come across as a frustrating issue for users who have most of their work associated with the Illustrator app. So, we thought of looking into the issue to find the right solution. Come, let’s find out.

Solution 1: Save your files to Local Drive 

One of the solutions for this error is to save your files to a local drive rather than cloud-based storage. Most of the time, if you try to open a file from your cloud storage in your Illustrator, this issue tends to arise. So instead of saving to cloud storage save it to your local drive and save to the network drives only when needed. 

Solution 2: Save your files with Google’s cloud storage

Although we’ve mentioned above that opt for local drive storage than cloud storage, you can still try Google’s cloud storage to see if the error is resolved. Most of the time, the error is associated with Onedrive related storage. So you can try to save your files into Gsuite storage and use the file stream to transfer your work.

Solution 3: Upgrade to the newest edition of Illustrator 

Adobe has taken care of the issue with its latest update. You can update your Illustrator app to the latest edition and that will take care of the issue forever. The new update can be downloaded from Adobe’s website and supports both cloud storage and local drive storage.

Solution 4: Sync the time zone of your server to the network time server

This is more of a hack than a solution but is used by many as a stop-gap solution. This error can also occur if there is a conflict between the time zone of your Windows server and your system. Sync the time zone between your system and your Windows server and make it in line with the network server. Now, your issue will be resolved.