The Promising Future of Emergency Management Technology


In an emergency, seconds matter more than you might think. For a wound, blood loss is a huge drain on that person’s chance of survival. For people in trouble in general, seconds can make a huge difference, but luckily for the chances of our future survival as people, computers are on a whole different level. Computers are constantly waiting because they’re too fast for our biological fingers to type, and in that time imagine the differences in lives saved we could all make by using computers for daily emergency management crews. 

EMT’s, Firemen, and other emergency personnel do what they do for others, and so bringing their technology up to speed is a no-brainer for most people. If you can move through communication quickly, you can learn faster where you’re needed and be there when that person needs you. So, let’s go over some technological fields that are becoming spots emergency personnel is looking for their needs.

Prevention Before Rescue

For many people, it isn’t a problem of rescuing people after they’re in trouble, but preventing that trouble in the first place. Without edging into the political sphere, if you are living in a building suffering from earthquake vulnerability, a minor seismic event can become deadly. You should click here, for instance, to learn about earthquake vulnerability in Bangladesh and the many coalescing issues that make this type of problem a difficult one to tackle. 

Indeed, a lot of emergencies are very clearly emergencies waiting to happen. If you walk through an area hit by an earthquake you may find many foundations standing proudly without houses to sit on top of them. This is a sign of structural weakness in the house, and you don’t have to look far to see places where a single weak point could have been solved by a technology-assisted survey of the building. Cracks may be invisible to an engineer, but to some pieces of survey tech even the worst possibilities are abundantly clear.

Communication During the Event

As I said earlier, seconds matter when in the context of emergency rescue personnel and other people rushing in to help. For people moving into a scene, communication often helps identify where the problem is occurring. You can easily say a street address but have no clue where in that house or building the issue is arising. For people who work on emergency management technology, this is an opportunity to bring emergency teams together towards this common goal.

We aren’t talking about the standard microphones and headsets, but comprehensive communication covering every aspect of the situation. Though you may be tempted to dismiss this issue, for medical personnel and firemen it couldn’t be more useful. In the ambulance are emergency materials of course, but also many tools for the situation as it is given to them. Firemen sometimes need a map of a house to determine a threat like a gas leak or to rescue someone trapped inside.

Transparency For the Public

For a lot of people with a vested interest in seeing emergencies end quickly and with minimal harm, it can be a serious pain when the public latches on to specific issues the first responders ran into. In terms of social media, negligence can become a target on the forehead of someone who may have just made a mistake. Body Cams for police and other similar communication and observation tools can help to mitigate the problem, giving everyone an eye into the situation from square one.

A lot of the time, even if you may not want it to happen, the person simply lacked the capability to perform a life-saving action, or made the wrong choice. If you want to read more on the various uses of technology in transparency, law enforcement, and emergency services, you should click this link: that provides a comprehensive overview from the department of homeland security.

A Bright Future

If you are wondering what emergency relief will look like in the future, you may not have to watch any science fiction TV shows, since communication on the ground is a rapidly developing field. For emergency personnel, the switch to the high-tech alternatives may be somewhat jarring. But some tools are just better, and for the future of saving lives, you may end up loving it more than you think.

The industry of providing help for those in need doesn’t just mean charity, but a willingness to adapt to strange areas and help people regardless of risk. If you are pragmatically looking for this kind of future, one of brotherhood with your fellow man and heroism despite a blazing fire, you may not be looking to be braver, but smarter. If you can find the best path into the flame, putting it out is an infinitely easier proposition.