What is the Difference Between an In Memory Relational Database and a Hybrid Relational Database


What is the Difference Between an In Memory Relational Database and a Hy...

As in-memory database solution providers rush to market to provide the enterprise with big data solutions so that companies can make smart decisions about their businesses, many vendors are coming to the table with a variety of offerings from in-memory computing to hybrid products. Some of these in-memory and hybrids and other databank solutions can be found while looking at a website similar to 4d-dc.com that provides storage within their datacentre facilities . Sometimes the terms and acronyms can be confusing so let’s take a look at what in-memory versus a hybrid solution looks like:

What is In-Memory:

The purpose of an In-Memory database is to provide fast data processing speeds for online transactional processing and online analytical processing (OLTP / OLAP.  For instance, ALTIBASE XDB (Extreme In-Memory Database) can process over 1.4 million transactions per second (TPS).  This can allow for enterprise customers to receive their information in real time.

Without proper storage and analytical capabilities a robust in-memory solution can provide businesses with literally a fire-hosing of information– but what about processing all that data?  Storing it?  What about making sure that results make sense and can lead to real ROI for an enterprise-level business?

What is a Hybrid Solution:

Hybrid solutions are becoming more popular as they are more flexible and can help businesses both process the information and store it sensibly.  A hybrid database is a database management system that has an in-memory database and an on-disk database in a single unified engine.

The hybrid solution can then store the data either on a main memory, on what is called HDD (hard disk drive) or via flash.  “Flash storage uses electricity and has no mechanical parts,” according to experts at TechTarget.

Why Good Storage is more Strategic:

The issue is that data can be many things from Word and Excel docs to social media, company videos and photos.  While documents may not take up too much space – imagine thousands or even millions of videos and photos being collected, stored and then trying to make sense of it all.  The hybrid solution helps to prevent this fire-hosing effect.

Once the data is safely secured and stored it can then be manipulated and analyzed.  This integrated approach provides a better defense from the “data storage dumping ground” that many enterprise users are finding and provides customers with more options for evaluating millions of transactions per second.