Killer tips to Increase Talking about this on Facebook Pages


With Frequent Updates by Facebook, The page admins are Facing Problem of Dramatic Decrease in Post Reach. There was a Time when a Page with 10,000 likes, Updates a Picture or Status and it use to reach almost 15-20% of the People. But Thanks to Facebook now concentrating more on Advertisement, The Post reach has been decrease to almost 1% of total likes. This Really Frustrates Fb page admins and this makes them Crazy.

tips to increase talking about this on facebook


We are here today to Share Some Useful tips to Increase “Talking about this” on FB pages. Are you admining Facebook pages that were once use to be active and now the page is almost dead with almost no new likes on your page or on your Posts? If yes then Stay with me and continue reading to know Some Cool Facebook Tricks and Tips that will help.

What is talking about this?

Let us first discuss what exactly is ““Talking about this”” on Facebook pages and on what metrics does Facebook decide it.

“Talking about this” on Facebook Depends on Factors like New Likes on your page, Post reach, likes and shares on your page. I did an experiment that I will share here and you can take this as a method to increase your talking about this.

As one of my page started becoming inactive, I decided to do share for share with other pages. What it means is, I contacted other fb page admins who own page in same Niche and asked them to Share my fb page on their page and I will do the same. We did it, and Gained Good amount of new likes on our respected pages. After 2-3 days I saw increase in talking about this on my page. So what I learned is new likes helped the talking about it to Increase. Trust me, this process gave a good boost to my fb page.

Tips to Increase talking about this On FB pages

So lets Get to the Real Part of this post after we discussed what Talking about this is On facebook. Following are some killer tips that may help you to Boost your FB page.

1) Post Frequently: Are you updating your page rarely? No not a good practice to keep fb pages active. if you are currently posting 2-3 Post daily, then increase the number slowly. Update your page 8-10 times daily. Yes, Content may be the biggest problem, what to post? This question may irritate you. Check what your fellow page admins in same niche are posting. Post the same if you do not have anything else of your own. Asking Questions and Quiz on your page can be a good idea too. Also strictly Follow ideal size for a Facebook post Guidelines .

2) New Likes: As i Said, New likes on your facebook page will help you to increase Talking about this of your page, Try to get as many likes as you can daily by doing Share for Share on your page like i said earlier, There are many groups on facebook where Many page admins join and share each others pages to gain more likes. Remember, more new likes is equal to increase in Talking about this.

3) Increase Engagement: Try to be more engaging. Updating your page Frequently alone will not help you much, Keep your page fans Engaging, Asking Questions and Playing Quiz can make your page fans more engaging with your page. Basically you will Try to collect Maximum likes, Comments and Shares on your page. Refrain posting irrelevant Content, for eg: You will not post Love quotes on a Tech page. Post what your fans love. If you think that a further increase in engagement is impossible, you should consider taking facebook ad training. There is so much more you can learn from it to help boost your page and posts’ engagement levels

4) Status Updates & Videos: Post good Combination of Content on your page like Pics, Status, Videos, links. Do not post only Pics or only Status updates. As per my Experience, Status updates and videos tend to reach more people of your page. Post 1 useful Video daily or alternate days on your page which your fans will like and Share. Recently Videos are getting viral on facebook which ultimately results in more new likes and increase in talking about this.

5) Less Links: The Mistake people do on Facebook is that they Post lots of thier Website links on thier page. Yes, i agree that we are Making our page active so that we can promote our website and drive traffic. But hey, do not over do it. 1 link daily is enough, Post it around 1pm or 2pm and then Pin it to top. Only 1 link daily is a good practice to keep your page active and maintain good Talking about this.

With this it Concludes Tips to increase talking about this on facebook, Should you have any other trick to keep fb page active? Yes? Would like to share? then Feel free to Comment Below about this article and Your tips.