How You Can Embrace and Organize Growth Within Your Small Business 


As a business owner, you will need to make sure that you are building your business carefully and creating a company that can help your customers find what they are looking for. Giving them the service that they deserve and leaving them satisfied enough to come back when they need your services again is the aim. There are several ways you can go about it, and you need to focus on those that will bring the greatest amount of growth in the shortest time. One way is by embracing and organizing growth – it is essential for keeping on top of fluctuating demand and fickle customer interest. This is how you can do it. 

Bring in external professionals 

You will need to bring in professionals from external sources to ensure your business runs smoothly. Whether this is exceptional individuals such as virtual accountants like 1800accountant Michael Savage or whole departments that can help your business, like IT specialists, bringing in external professionals can help you out majorly. Here are some of the more immediate perks to bringing in external professionals and some of the longer-term benefits after your time with them is over. 

  • The benefits 

There are so many benefits to bringing in experienced professionals like 1800accountant CEO Michael Savage. Whether you bring in a virtual service or people who come in and help out at your site every day, you will find that investing in this can be good news for your business. It can help you out with finances, creating more space for your on-site workers to do their jobs, and it can also help you and your business look more professional to the outside world. It is incredibly important regardless of whether you have a small business or a far more established one, and it can help you reach demand and manage it successfully. 

  • Help with costs 

It can go a long way to cutting down on the cost of overheads. The equation is simple, really – the more you outsource, the less room your business needs. This means that if you are outsourcing your IT to a specialist company, you don’t need to pay for their equipment, their wages, or the space that you need to house them. All you get are the services that are great for any business that is struggling or is just a bit small to have its own in-house team. This not only helps you with costs and being able to focus on what needs your attention the most at that point in time. 

  • Benefits of virtual services

There are so many benefits to using a virtual service. As already discussed, you don’t need the extra space to house them, so you can still rent out your smaller business office while expanding. It also means that you can work with whatever team you need, anywhere in the country. Local services might not be the best for you, so you are going to need to find what really will help your business. If they are from the other side of the country but offer the right level of virtual support, they can be a great addition to your business. 

  • Professionality

Another great thing about outsourcing services is that they can help boost your professionalism levels. If you have an area that your team isn’t so hot on, such as customer service, you can outsource your customer service to another company, which means that you can focus on actually making the products. This can be crucial if you are unexpectedly busy and you need everyone on project work and not ‘wasting their time’ answering the same questions over and over again over the phone. You will find that this might also boost morale and keep your customers satisfied with the service they get. 

Team time management solutions 

In order to not only help manage increases in demand but also to help your employees feel more in control of what is going on, you could use time management solutions. Working with short deadlines can be hectic and stressful, so you are going to need to think of excellent solutions to help combat this stress and make sure that mistakes aren’t made, which can only add to stress levels. There are, however, many ways to find solutions to your time management problems. 

  • What is time management?

To be able to fix problems accurately and keep on top of them, you are going to have to know where you are going wrong. To know what is going wrong, you are going to need to figure out what needs to go right. Time management, especially team time management, requires a unit to work in tandem. This means that you need communication, you need visual aids, you need people who can manage teams well, and you also need to keep on top of the team’s welfare and morale. Here is how to use them to better manage your business team’s time. 

  • Use the right software 

Using the right communication software can help you out – and if it is there, it is likely that people are going to use it. You will find that communication software can help with inter-community communications and help you better understand company goals and roles among everyone who works for you. 

Using software such as Gantt charts can also help you out by giving your employees an easy-to-use timeline of what needs to happen and when, and gives them a better idea of what will happen later on in their processes so that they can prepare. 

  • Managers

Making sure that your managers are well taken care of can play an important part in avoiding a lot of problems. You will find that the more stressed and overwhelmed your managers are, the more problems and issues will happen. Disorganization will run amok, and you will have to fix it. Ensuring that your managers are not over-stressed, making sure that your business is working in a way that helps them, and making sure that you are giving your managers the tools that they need to work effectively is vital to making sure they can do their jobs, and you are not dragged into every problem that occurs. 

  • Wellness

Of course, it isn’t just your manager’s health you need to look out for. You need to make sure that you are prioritizing the morale of your team to make sure that you are getting the best from them for the longest amount of time, as the happier they are, the more loyal they are to your business, too. The happier a team is, and the better they get along, the more effectively they will work together and look after themselves during out-of-work hours. If they are too busy stressing about work outside of their working time, they are much more likely to make mistakes.

Controlling downtime 

Controlling downtime is a major factor you cannot overlook when it comes to managing growth and reaching demand. You need to ensure that if demand is high, your work will be uninterrupted. As noted already, employees work far better when they are happier, which contributes a lot to better controlling interruptions. However, you should also look into machine downtime, which can be the real problem if you need to get products out quickly and your machines are down. 

  • Why is downtime bad?

In short, downtime means you aren’t making any money. All the time your employees aren’t working, they are costing you money. Downtime makes your business more expensive to run. However, you cannot completely avoid downtime, so you need to learn how to control it. You can do this in numerous ways, and it can be a game changer if done well. Downtime disrupts business, and it can also put a huge damper on morale, which can cause even more downtime, so you need to make sure that you are controlling downtime to the best of your ability, such as through these two following methods. 

  • Preventive maintenance

Preventative maintenance can be a great way to stop machines from failing when you need them the most. There are two main parts of preventative maintenance:

  • Making sure that you are booking maintenance times for machines out of peak work hours and communicating this with everyone, as well as having a workaround ready
  • Training employees to use machines and equipment properly, to make sure that the machines don’t break due to poor use. 

These can be essential to making sure that machines don’t break on the job and cost you even more money than you have already spent. 

  • Employee training 

You must understand the importance of employee training and the role that it plays in downtime prevention. You will find the better employees are trained, the more likely they are to treat equipment well and be able to approach each other about mistakes and issues, which helps with problem-solving.

Employees are also more likely to be loyal to the company, meaning there will be a low employee turnaround rate, resulting in you having more experienced workers. Plus, they will be able to take note of safety precautions and look out for their peers when handling dangerous equipment.