5 Steps To Planning Large Scale Events


Large-scale event planning for your company can be a complex task that takes months. Several resources are available to help, such as event management companies and online checklists, but you will need to be hands-on with some of the tasks and planning even with that help.

Determine Your Purpose and Audience

Your first step will be to determine the “why” and “who” of the event. Why do you need this event, and who will be attending? For many, the why is team building and the who is your coworkers, but you can also plan an event to train employees or celebrate a milestone. Knowing the answers to these two questions will help you determine the specifics of the following steps and what kind of businesses you will need to contact or partner with.

Set a Budget, Location and Timeline

Your next step is to determine the budget, location and timeline. How much can you spend on this event, where will it be, and how long do you have to plan it? If you are planning on traveling for this event or bringing people in from other locations, it is essential to include the time needed to make travel arrangements and determine who will be responsible for the costs associated with travel and lodging. Working with a destination management company Europe business partner can help you find the answers to these questions and even help you find package deals for attendees.

Plan the Logistics and Technology

Logistics will include the travel and lodging of attendees, transportation to and from the event venue, accommodations for the differently abled, and even the use of technology during the event. If you pair an app with your event, is wifi available at the venue? Will you stream any part of the event to virtual attendees? Will recordings of speakers and classes be made available after the event?

Determine the Theme and Format

Determining the theme and format of your event is the next big step. Will this be virtual, in person or a hybrid? What colors and icons will be used for the decorations and promotional materials? Is there a corporate motto or other piece of company culture that you want to feature?

Remember to Promote and Evaluate

Before the event, you want to promote it to those you wish to attend, including any business partners or sponsors you want to include. This means sending out emails and flyers well in advance so attendees can have time to make the arrangements needed for travel, childcare and time out of the office.

Once the event ends, you will want to evaluate what worked and what did not. Be sure to include the aspects you and attendees want more of and which you want less of in your evaluation. This is a crucial step to determine your large-scale event’s success and make it easier to pull off the next one.

Planning large-scale events is an intimidating and complex process involving many factors. You can find help through event planning and destination management companies, online checklists, and more.